Saturday, December 09, 2006

You Say Madras, I Say Chennai

Just wanted to describe our stay in Chennai (as I call it) so far. Yesterday we visited Fort George and walked through the museum and grounds. This was the center of growth for the East Indian Company. Last night we heard a lecture that described in detail the role that Madras (Chennai) played in trade development beginning in the 6th century. Cloth, spices (pepper to hide the taste of spoiled meat), etc. were desired in many areas well before the British started trade. The British though were the most successful at getting the local princes to grant land to them so that they had a base for developing.

This morning we had a sumptuous breakfast of waffles, strawberry pancakes, papaya, bacon, pomegranate, and eggs. I am just eating my way through this country. Hope you all don’t mind.


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