Monday, December 04, 2006

And Sometimes We Must Go Shopping

This tour was designed for ceramic artists (and that crowd) to be able to explore the different art crafts and pottery techniques used by the artisans of East India… at least that is how it was sold to me. Well, my friends, the true nature of this little expedition has become all too clear. I think the title of this essay says it all.

Today we took our bus* out into the countryside of the state of Orissa (not to be confused with the countryside in the state of West Bengal – that was last week) to visit two crafts villages. The first was a village of weavers – every home had at least one loom in it, where they specialized in material for making sarees and salwars (those are the pants suits). They also conveniently offered a visitor’s gallery where one may view (and hopefully purchase) the finished product. Now these galleries are pretty impressive considering that the gallery, the loom, and the entire family are housed in one or two rooms. In any case, our tour group (Carol included) just about bought out the village’s weekly production.

Next up was a village making cast bronze art pieces and jewelry using the lost wax process. How they make this stuff is truly fascinating, and it was all demonstrated and explained to us in detail. We were then graciously allowed to purchase a few samples of their handiwork.

At both shopping centers… I mean craft villages, it is customary to haggle over the price of any purchase. This seems to be great sport for the locals, and I don’t mean the ones doing the haggling. Swarms of people gather around the action to watch the transaction unfold. Comments are whispered between the onlookers. I don’t speak the language, but I’m guessing that a little wagering was going on as to how badly the customer was being taken.

This was pretty much a wasted day, as far as I was concerned. Carol, on the other hand, seems quite pleased with how the day turned out. Go figure.

On a more fun note, we saw monkeys yesterday! …and puppies! I can’t remember what kind they are, but I am going to say macaques, simply because that’s the only monkey name I know. Erika can straighten me out on this later.

Carol is too tired to post this evening, but not too tired to tell me what I should be posting. In particular, she wanted you to know that she has taken some wonderful photos of children, but because we can’t get the card reader to accept the memory card from her camera, she can’t show them to you. I think she suspects that this is my fault.

We will be in the beach town of Puri for the next two days and I am not optimistic about the prospects for internet access. So, it may be a couple of days until you here from us again.

Oh, and we found the perfect Christmas gift for Bruce R.

*The bus hates me – more on this later


Anonymous said...

You guys are having too much fun. Mike, you should be much more supportive of the various villages you visit!

Carol, great job.

Actually, it looks and sounds like you are having a good time (and that is important).


Anonymous said...

I am not sure I have figured out this posting thing (I tried to post earlier commenting on a picture...) but you both are hilarious...this is making for some entertaining bedtime reading!
Aunt Carol how are the mcdonalds over there???!!! ;)
miss you guys

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on all of your postings and photos - fantastic! Especially love the "to" and "fro" of the text entries. Keep having fun!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Mike's dry tongue-in-cheek sense of humor..especially with "Sometimes We Must Go Shopping..." I didn't hear much about pottery...did you take any pictures of the woven goods and the jewelry? or did Carol buy it all!?! wondering if the jewelry was more of brass or silver...enjoying your journaling and photo's; keep up the great work! Mary