I have no idea whether Maui has squirrels, or not, but I doubt it. If there are squirrels on Maui, I’m betting that they are not indigenous. They would have had to be introduced – possibly by the same guy that released European starlings into New York’s Central Park in the 1850’s. The jerk. I’m sure that I could definitively answer the squirrel question with a quick Google search, but I’m too afraid of being disappointed by the answer. At this juncture, I’m prepared to stick with my original assertion regardless of the facts.
There really is no good segue from Hawaiian rodents to still lifes, but I made a couple more, and here they are. I think I now have this whole ‘low-key’ approach down and I’m ready to try some other lighting techniques. Once I get more comfortable with artificial lighting (particularly strobes), I will be ready to move on to portraits. I’ll probably start with the dogs before I move on to people. BTW, ‘low-key’ refers lighting that accentuates contours by throwing deep shadows. It is usually accomplished with one, or maybe two, lights.
I’m also pretty sure that there are no bears in Africa.