ZhuJiaJao Watertown
Originally uploaded by weberpoint
It's our last day in China and most people (including Art) have already left for the states. The three of us who are left decided to spend our last day in the "best preserved" ancient part of Shanghai City. ZhuJiaJao is about 40km from the city center. It was built on a series of canals over the past thousand years, though most of the development occurred during the Ming Dynasty. The only modern improvements made since the site was "preserved" were the addition of toilets, information signs, souvenir shops, too many restaurants to count, and a large parking lot for the tour busses. You get
my point. Fortunately for us, today was wet and cold so the number of other visitors was at a very low level, and we had a great time walking the streets for about five hours. This town also has the friendliest dogs we have encountered in China. They are also uniformly small. The ones in the picture are full grown. I leave tomorrow at 6am, and will be home by noon (plus 15 hours in time zone changes).