A Brief Stop in Mongolia
Originally uploaded by weberpoint
On Wednesday, we took the six hour drive (it took 10 hours) from the City of
Kunming to the hill tribe area of Yuan Yang in the southern mountains near
the border of Viet Nam. Along the way, we stopped for lunch near a small
Mongolian village called Xing Meng. Why there is a Mongolian village in
southern China is a long story. Sufficed it to say, that they have been
here for 900 years. This provided us with our first opportunity to shoot in
a rural village, so we descended upon it like an invading horde. sorry, I
couldn't help myself. The images here are from that village. I have no
idea what game the men are playing here, but it involved a lot of shouting
and the exchange of money.
Over the next two days we will be shooting the rice terraces and villages of
Yuan Yang.