We haven't been anywhere in a while, but I have been getting itchy to post something. I have updated the template for the blog (whadda ya think?) so this is a perfect opportunity to post a 'test message', complete with a new picture. This one is from the old Rainier Brewery in Georgetown (as in: not the one that you see from I-5). Pretty cool building. It is part of a complex of buildings that made up the original Seattle Brewing and Malting Company, founded in 1904. The original ice house, that dates from that period, was torn down last year. When it was shut down for the last time in 1996, borings made under the building showed that the ground was frozen to a depth of 35 feet. It took six years for it to thaw. As the ground 'melted', the building began to settle and crack, which is why they finally had to demolish it. The remaining buildings will be renovated and turned into condos and retail space.